Saturday, September 22, 2012

Say Cheese!

We finally took our engagement pictures a couple of weeks ago.  We got them back the other day and I can happily say I LOVE them.  There are of course a few awkward poses, but there are definitely enough to choose from to be able to frame a few.  Our photographer did an awesome job and was so easy to work with.  You can check them out at the link below.  The password is 06152013.  It took me about 3 times of logging in to realize that's our wedding date.  Oops.  Warning:  There's not a whole lot of saying cheese, but there is a whole lot of kissing.  Guard your eyes!

Engagement Pictures


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Momma's Girl

I had every intention of writing an end of summer post last night before we both started a new school year.  But then it was 10:30 and I realized if I had any chance of surviving the first day of school with 19 six year olds, I needed to go to bed.  Now it just doesn't seem right since summer has officially ended in our house.  Paul started his new semester today as well and Millie is back to her normal routine of sleeping all day while anxiously awaiting for us to come home.

I came home fully expecting to be body slammed by our favorite 4-legged furry friend {her favorite way of saying hello}.  Nope.  What did she do instead?  Puked.  All over the carpet.  I know you're all laughing thinking that the sight of me is what caused her to puke and it very well may have been since it was super hot today and our school isn't air conditioned so I came home looking like one hot, scary mess.  However, I was home for at least 5 minutes before the puking happened so I take no blame.

Usually she rebounds to her normal self within a few minutes, but not tonight.  Tonight she decided that since I still had a couple of hours worth of work to do she could entertain herself and rest peacefully next to me.  Paul took some pictures of her laying right on top of my school bag {in protest, I'm sure!} and of her laying on my lap watching the computer screen, but I look SUPER pregnant in both.  Thank you, flowing dress and slouchy posture.  No, I'm not pregnant so no, you don't get to see those pictures.  I promise you though, she looked pretty cute!

So, thank you Millie for being on your best behavior in hopes that we won't leave you alone all day again tomorrow.  I know you're missing your afternoon nap on the couch with mommy and I appreciate the snuggles after a long day.  I just hope you keep up this behavior until this thunderstorm has passed since your dad has so conveniently decided to go to bed already and I will be the one taking you out to use the bathroom before bed.  By the way, did you hear he poured coffee on his cereal this morning?  I'll tell you the rest of that story later!