Paul is done with classes. Forever and ever. Except a few continuing ed classes he'll have from time to time. But, in comparison to what he just went through - we're not counting those. He took his last ever final on Thursday then celebrated with his class Thursday night.
It's a bittersweet feeling knowing that the people you've spent every day with for the past 2 years are headed all over the country and you won't see many of them again until graduation, and some maybe never again. Luckily a few will be in the area still and we have Facebook, email, and phones to help us stay connected!
I was busy sleeping when Paul took off for class Thursday morning, so I didn't get to take a picture of him on his last day of school like I'd hoped to. But, I did manage to find this one from his first day of grad school. I'm sure he'll LOVE me putting this on here.
So, cheers! Cheers to grad school being {almost} done! Here are a couple more pictures from this week that I stole from PT friends. Their celebration stop Thursday morning and a class picture.