Sunday, August 11, 2013

We Made It!

Paul is done with classes.  Forever and ever.  Except a few continuing ed classes he'll have from time to time.  But, in comparison to what he just went through - we're not counting those.  He took his last ever final on Thursday then celebrated with his class Thursday night.  

It's a bittersweet feeling knowing that the people you've spent every day with for the past 2 years are headed all over the country and you won't see many of them again until graduation, and some maybe never again.  Luckily a few will be in the area still and we have Facebook, email, and phones to help us stay connected!

I was busy sleeping when Paul took off for class Thursday morning, so I didn't get to take a picture of him on his last day of school like I'd hoped to.  But, I did manage to find this one from his first day of grad school.  I'm sure he'll LOVE me putting this on here.  

So, cheers!  Cheers to grad school being {almost} done!  Here are a couple more pictures from this week that I stole from PT friends.  Their celebration stop Thursday morning and a class picture.  

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happily Ever Afters

There's probably some unwritten rule about no longer celebrating the anniversary of when you started dating after you get married.  Too bad.  We're celebrating!  HAPPY 5 YEARS TO US!  We're spending the day doing a whole lot of nothing.  We did go for a run, but beyond that not much.  That's ok though - we wouldn't have it any other way.  

Flashback:  August 3rd, 2008

We've been busy celebrating other happily ever afters too!  Two weeks ago we we went to Appleton for the wedding of 2 of our great friends.  Remember this post?  The one where I explained how much I don't like summer heat and how it had been the hottest week of the summer?  Well, Mother Nature listened and provided us with WONDERFUL weather for J and Ashley's wedding.  70's and partly cloudy is my kind of day!  {I did still manage to get sunburned.  I told you the sun and I don't get along!}  We had a great time and were so happy to be there.  And, we got to spend the weekend with our friends Jenny and Tyler as well!

Last weekend I headed back to Appleton for my friend Brittni's Bridal Shower and Bachelorette Party.  She was one of my Bridesmaids and I feel super lucky to be one of hers as well!  We had some GREAT girl time at the hotel, dinner, and out that night.  

College roomies with the bride

Room Upgrade!  We've got an extra room, a whirlpool tub, and robes!

Ready for our night out!

Tonight, Paul is headed to the bachelor party of one of his groomsmen.  Yup, it's definitely wedding season!  {We're not going to talk about how it's already August and summer is ending way too quickly.  Nope, not doing it.}