Ever feel like your entire life just got flipped upside down? Yeah, that happened last week. And we're still picking up pieces trying to figure it all out. It's not that bad. Really, it's not. I tend to be overly dramatic. Let's start at the beginning.
Paul was accepted to a sports physical therapy residency. YAY! Dreams come true. For real. He would LOVE to work in a sports setting and through his clinicals has realized that a residency is nearly required for any sort of job in a sport setting. There are other routes, but this seems to be the most direct. {Says the wife who really just does her best to understand it all but probably has this all wrong. Sorry, PT friends. You can stop screaming at the screen now!}
The upside down part? It's in Green Bay. For a year. That's 365 days, people. If you haven't noticed we don't exactly live there. We don't even live within a distance that would allow him to drive there and back every day. So, he's moving. Luckily we've got some great family that has helped to organize some living arrangements so that detail is figured out.
Me? I'm staying. In no way possible does it make sense for me to move there. {Aside from the being with my husband part}. I don't exactly have a job where I can work from home or just take a year off. We have EVERY intention of Paul coming back when the residency is done, so the thought of moving for a year and dealing with trying to find a new job {again} makes me want to throw up. Luckily we've got some pretty sweet family on my end too who have offered to take me in as well. Yup, I'm moving back in with mom and dad! I haven't lived at home in nine years. There's potential that my sister will be back at home too and my brother's still there as well. This should be interesting.
So, upside down just barely begins to describe it. In the end this is a fantastic opportunity and if we didn't think it would be worth it we'd never have even considered an application. I just have huge issues not knowing what's going on and so much right now is left up to time and "what ifs". I have a first class ticket on the plane to crazy-town trying to figure it all out. Let's not mention the fact that I don't exactly do well when he leaves for a night, much less an entire year. I've been a walking-talking emotional disaster the past week or so. It will get better. It's just a lot to think about and figure out.