Sunday, October 14, 2012

Want to go for a run?

We spent most of our weekend dodging rain drops, but had a great time doing it!  Paul ran his first half marathon on Saturday.  I'll be the first to admit that when he first talked about signing up I secretly thought "Really?  You're really going to do this?  School will get busy and stressful, you'll quit training, and will eventually give up."  I know this doesn't sound the most supportive, but school usually takes priority and running gets moved to the back burner.  I should have known better though, because when he puts his mind to something he does it.  And run he did!  In the rain and the cold.  I will say that I was pretty impressed and take back any thoughts of doubt.
He was concentrating so hard he didn't even realize I was there! 

Looking good after an awesome finish!

I wasn't originally planning to be there, but those pesky raindrops were actually a good thing!  I know what you're thinking.  First I didn't even think he'd be able to do it, and then I had no intentions of not going.  World's worst fiance?  No.  I felt awful about not being there, but I had signed up to do the Color Me Rad run with my sister.  On the same day.  At the same time.  Unfortunately for us it was down pouring at the start of our race.  Since they were running multiple start times we decided to hold off on running our race and headed over to watch Paul finish his.  The rain cleared up a little bit, and we headed off to get colorful. 
Pre-Race.  Check out those nice, white shirts!
It turns out the rain turned our color run into a tough mudder as well.  We were dodging puddles, avoiding slippery hills, and sprinting through colored powder.  Ok, maybe not the intensity of a tough mudder, but it was still pretty messy.
Our not-so-white-anymore shirts.  Hope's arm is still a little blue!

We had a great time at both races and enjoyed the rest of our weekend at home working on school work, taking a nap with Millie, doing a little shopping, and supper at Mom and Dad's.  A great fall weekend in Wisconsin at the {soon to be} Jones House!