Wednesday, July 3, 2013

It Beeps

Millie and I are still fulling enjoying all of our naps.  The only problem {and not really a problem at all} is that it has totally thrown off my sleep schedule.  During the school year I HAVE to be in bed by 9:30 otherwise...forget it.  The next day is just not good.  BUT it's summer!  Even though I was up at 6:00 yesterday, I took a little nap and was happily awake until midnight.  My kind of night!

UNTIL.....BEEP!  You see, I'm a total chicken so my initial reaction included thoughts of bad guys trying to break into our house.  With beepers.  Paul assured me that it was probably just the smoke alarm with dying batteries and if it beeped again, we would change them.

I waited.  For at least 10 minutes.  And did not hear any other beeps.  So, I fell asleep.  I had dreams of staying in a hotel and the hotel workers changing beeping smoke alarms {not joking, I did}.  The beeps continued to take over my dreams until I woke up at 6:00.  With only 6 hours of sleep.  And even though it's summer that is just not enough sleep for me to function on.

So, I did what any good, responsible, nice wife would do.  I nudged Paul and told him to change the batteries in the smoke detector.  He had to be awake soon anyway.  When I thought he fell off the chair he was standing on I ran to check on him.  Actually no, I yelled from the bed to see if he was ok {he had just jumped, he was fine}....all the while listening to BEEP   BEEP   BEEEEEEEP.

He couldn't figure it out so he brought the dumb thing into the bedroom.  Prepared to show him that it's NOT THAT DIFFICULT to change batteries in a smoke detector I took it from him.  Hmmm...seemed a bit more tricky than I thought.  Don't worry - I'm smart.  So I looked up the owner's manual online.  No such luck.  For real?  Oh wait, the dog needs to be taken out.

Ok, smart, obedient Millie.  You've been going outside ON YOUR OWN for nearly a week.  We stand on the porch, she WALKS (that's important) into the yard, does her thing, and returns.  YAY!  Our dog is growing up!  This morning?  I stood on the porch, she RAN (bad sign) into the yard, chased some birds, started barking, jumped up on our neighbor's door, and looked at me with those "I dare you to try to come get me.  I'll run away if you do."  eyes.  So there I am trying my best to quietly (it's 6 AM!) get our dog to come back, still in my pajamas, beeping smoke alarm in hand.  No wonder the neighbors don't seem to like us...

{I promise, the end to this story is coming.}

So, I tried AGAIN to figure out where the darn batteries were on the smoke detector.  Then put it inside a cooler in the garage.  No joke.  Felt a little like Phoebe on Friends when she wraps her smoke detector in a blanket and throws it in the trash chute.  My dad's coming tonight for mom's birthday celebration.  He'll come to my rescue and fix it!  So, smoke detector in cooler...I'm going back to bed.

BEEEEP!!!!!  Are you kidding me????  It's IN THE GARAGE.  In a COOLER!  How on EARTH can I still hear that?  Paul's solution?  He'd take it to school with him and leave it in the car.  Love him.

But no, that does not solve the problem.  Even though I've only had 6 hours of sleep and the smoke detector has won up until this point I am smart enough to know that if the smoke detector is inside a cooler in the garage there is no way I should still be able to hear it that loudly.

So again, sleepy Paul to the rescue.  After explaining this to him about 10 times he comes up with a great solution.  "Maybe it's that other thing hanging on the wall."

You mean the carbon monoxide detector?

Yes, it was the carbon monoxide detector all along.  With easily removable batteries.

Don't worry, the smoke detector is no longer in the cooler and I'm going back to bed.

Video courtesy of You Tube
{Ignore the Chinese subtitles}

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